Getting enforcement letter Bulgaria
Many foreigners in Bulgaria call us when they need some legal help for getting enforcement letter Bulgaria.
Discover the simplified process of obtaining an enforcement letter in Bulgaria through the order for payment procedure.
Procedure for Issuing an Order for Payment
The Order for Payment procedure serves to streamline the enforcement of monetary claims and property restitution without the need for a legal trial.
Our legal fees and Expenses:
– Fees for initiating the procedure amount to 2% of the claim value.
– Additional expenses may include attorney’s fees, depending on the claim value.
What Happens if the Debtor Objects?
If the debtor raises objections against the issued order for payment, a trial ensues.
However, if the debtor fails to object, a writ of execution is issued in favor of the claimant, triggering the enforcement procedure with an additional 2% cost.
**Getting Enforcement Letter in Bulgaria**
Under the current Civic code, anyone can request the district court to issue an enforcement order.
This order, based on Art. 410 and Art. 417 CC, serves as a valid ground for obtaining an enforcement letter.
Quick and Economical Process:
The enforcement order acts as a replacement for a judgment, ensuring a swift and cost-effective process.
Claims can be based on various grounds, such as employment contracts, rent agreements, loan contracts, or any bonding relationship.
The entire process in Bulgaria:
1. The applicant (creditor) submits an application to the district court, usually at the debtor’s permanent address.
2. The court examines the application for regularity and proceedings’ admissibility.
3. The applicant must specify the basis for their claim, supported by relevant documents.
4. The debtor has 14 days to object, but any objection during this period holds no evidential value for the claim’s existence.
5. If no objections are raised or resolved, the enforcement order becomes the basis for issuing a writ of execution, initiating enforcement proceedings.
Claimant’s Response to Objections:
– If the debtor contests the claim, the claimant has one month to file a claim with the same court.
Navigating the Order for Payment procedure ensures a swift, surprising, and economical process.
Should you need assistance in the enforcement proceedings, our experienced team is here to guide you through the legal intricacies. 📜