List of Documents Required for Selling Real Estate
Our law office provide a full representation during the process of sale and purchase of real properties in Bulgaria.
The lawoffice is engaged for provision of legal documents required for the purposes of legally confirming property status.
Obtaining a legal documents and nessesery certificates for entries, recordations or deletions /non-encumbrance certificate /, obtaining planning visa /in case of purchase of land plot/, performing checks within the Old Archive records at the Registry Agency – Land register about the history of the real property and all entries on the file of the property.
Due diligence of the seller – a legal entity and clarifying circumstances that are vital for the transfer of the real property /insolvency proceedings, lawsuits against the seller, which may affect the property and others/.
We are working for preparation, signing, termination, and rescission of contracts for purchase and sale of real estate.
The real estate lawyers works for preparation of notary notices for cancellation of preliminary contract for the sale of real estate. Full legal assistance and representation in court during court cases for a refund of paid deposit as per a signed preliminary contract.
We offer our cleitns abroad a legal representation by real property lawyer during legal proceedings under Article 19 of Contracts and Obligations Act for the announcement of a preliminary contract as final. Entry of the final court decision, obtained as result of a court case under Article 19 of Contracts and Obligations Act, in the Registry Agency – Land Register.
Full representation of a seller or a buyer during the signing of a title deed and the related procedure of declaring the property at the local municipality. Full legal representation during legal proceedings for revoke of title deeds.
Valuation of real estate properties by a competent licensed appraiser and obtaining the relevant valuation within a period of up to few days.
There’s something important to clarify about selling real estate. If you do not have time or information necessary for flawless preparation of all required documents, do ask for help.
Our real estate lawyers are professionals and will be pleased to assist you. The team of Internationla Law Office D. Vladimirov and Partners consists of responsible specialists. They are excellent real estate lawyers having years of experience. We offer you our exceptional knowledge in preparation of documents for selling real estate.
For your convenience, our team of experts will prepare a complete and exhaustive list of documents. All of them are done in the proper way. If you have further questions or need more information, do not hesitate to contact a real estate lawyer on the phone or in written on our website.
For every client we provide a detailed list of required documents.. such as…
The list of nessesery legal documents required for selling real estate consists of several points, which we will show you in the following article. You can have them by asking us, as your real estate lawyer for the documents, which are :
- Legal document certifying your ownership of the property – by this document you identify yourself as the owner and seller of a particular property – Notary deed or deed of refunding of land property….
The most common types of ownership documents are as following:
- Title Deed – it has to be registered in the Registry Agency at the location of the property. The types of title deeds are as follows:
- deed of sale;
- deed of donation;
- deed of replacement;
- notarial deed of findings;
- deed of transfer of immovable property against liability for maintenance and care;
- title deed of immovable property acquired by inheritance;
- title deed of immovable property acquired by bequest;
- deed of succession by a court decision declaring the preliminary contract as a final, according to Article 19 of CPA.
- Records for registration of the deed; attached note for its entry.
- Contract of sale concluded under the State Property Regulations.
- Contract of sale signed according to the Municipal Property Act and the Law on State Property of state or municipal property. If the contract is concluded after 01.06.1996, it should be entered in the Registry Office at the Registry Agency.
If you have lost or cannot find where you have placed the deed, do not panic! A duplicate of this document may be issued, as well as an identity document in the Registry Office at the Registry Agency at the location of the property. Please be advised that you will be charged for it.
The other two documents required are as following:
- Property Tax Assessment Certificate – certificate, issued by the local tax office, mostly from the appropriate municipality office, where the property is located & situated in. The tax assessment,describes the address of the property has to match the one pointed in the title deed. If they don’t, there must be presented a certificate of identity of both addresses.
All the names of the property’s owners are written down in the tax assessment. All obligations on the property must be paid by all owners. Information on obligations of the property are stated in the tax assessment.
If there are obligations of the property written down in the tax assessment certificate, these obligations must be paid before the entry of the transaction in the Registry Agency. For this purpose, the acquittance signed by the bank which the amount is paid in, ought to correspond to the amount recorded as a liability in the certificate of tax assessment. For further questions, consult with your real estate lawyer.
- Marital Status Certificate of the seller (property owner). This document shows what has been the owner’s marital status up to the date of the property acquisition. Marital Status Certificate is issued by the local USCRASP office, in the area of the person’s address registration. An application for a certificate may be submitted by the person or his/her legal representative, as well as by an authorised person bearer of power of attorney. That can be done also by a person whose legitimate interest is subject to a certificate. Same applies to a person who derives rights from issuing a certificate of marital status, according to the prerequisites of Art. 186 CPC, Art. 133 of Criminal Procedure Code and Art. 42 of APC; and expressly authorised person according to Art. 5, paragraph 2 of the Decree № RD-02-20-6 from 24.04.2012.
Contact us
More information and tips about where the documents necessary are to be issued, you can see in the next article. We are available for questions and consultation on the phone + 359 897 90 43 91 or via email, which you could find in the contact form on our website.