

Recognition of foreign judgments

One of the core consequences of globalisation has been the rapid increase in trans-national litigation

The associated need to enforce judgments across national borders.

Recognition and enforcement of foreign countries’ court decisions in another country has always been a delicate and difficult issue.

It is known that the system does not have a universal rule and each country adopts its own valued judgment with regard to foreign decisions.

There is also a clear and relatively easy procedure for the enforcement of judgments and other acts passed in other EU Member States.

The Civil process Code does not contain provisions on recognition and enforcement of decisions and acts of countries other than EU Member States.

The Regulation  of  recognition  processRecognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments

Recognition and enforcement of judgments rendered in non-EU countries should be subject to different procedures under the Code of international private law act.

According to part four of the CMR, the conditions introduced in Art. 117 The Code of international private law act for recognition and enforcement is as follows:

The decisions and acts of foreign courts and other bodies are recognized when:

  1. – the foreign court or authority was competent under the provisions of Bulgarian law:
  2. – the defendant was served with a copy of the application,
  3. the parties were regularly summoned and the basic principles of Bulgarian law related to the defense were not violated ;
  4. – if between the same parties, on the same grounds and for the same request, no decision of a Bulgarian court has entered into force;
  5. – if there is no pending trial between the same parties, on the same grounds and for the same claim, before a Bulgarian court
  6. – recognition or admission of performance is not contrary to the Bulgarian public order.

Legal frame of recognition of foreign judgmentsRecognition of foreign judgments

The Recognition of foreign Judgments is made by the body before it.

In the event of a dispute over the conditions for recognition of the foreign judgment, a settlement action may be brought before the Sofia City Court.

A claim is made before the Sofia City Court to allow enforcement of a foreign judgment.

The application shall be accompanied by a copy of the decision certified by the court which issued it and a certificate by the same court that the decision has entered into force.

These documents needs to be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The court shall examine of its own motion the conditions under Art. 117.

The defendant in the procedure for recognition and enforcement of the foreign decision can not invoke violations under Art. 117, item 2, which he could have pointed out before the foreign court.

The court does not go into the examination of the substance of the dispute, resolved by the foreign court. 

The debtor may object to the discharge of the obligation on the basis of circumstances that have arisen after the entry into force of the foreign decision.

The debtor may not object to the discharge of the obligation on the basis of the circumstances after the enforcement decision has entered into force.

Regarding the recognition of the consequences of foreign enforcement and security acts – the regulation is in Art. 124 International law act in Bulgaria-

The foreign state at the same time as the CPC does not contain provisions on recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments other than EU Member States, the recognition procedure will be Part Four of the CMR, considering the legal conditions under Art. 117 KMCP.

The court procedure in Bulgaria

A decision certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria must be submitted to the court, that it is apparent that the same has entered into force.

Recognition foreign decisions, Bulgarian lawyers recognition of court decision, Court decisions in Bulgaria, Bulgaria recognition court decision lawyerAfter assessing the conditions under Art. 117 CMMR and to check whether it is contrary to the Bulgarian public order, the court decides whether it admits or not.

It is important to note that, according to the provision of Art. 121 para. 1 Code international private law act, the court in the exequatur procedure does not examine the merits of the dispute.

Litigation Dispute Resolution

Bulgarian Legislation has settled a several levels of court litigation and dispute resolution.

Bulgarian Legislation has established a comprehensive framework for court litigation and dispute resolution across various levels.

Litigation, the legal process of resolving disputes between opposing parties, seeks to enforce or defend legal rights.

While ideally resolved through mutual agreement, litigation can also proceed to a court trial overseen by a judge or jury.

It is crucial to view litigation as a last resort due to its potential for prolonged processes and uncertain outcomes.

Our primary objective is to minimize disruption for our clients, mitigate risks, and explore alternative dispute resolution methods whenever feasible.

With extensive experience spanning diverse industries, we cater to a broad clientele that includesLitigation Dispute Resolution

  • international and domestic insurance firms,
  • legal entities,
  • banks, financial institutions,
  • product manufacturers, airlines,
  • public companies, and
  • construction firms.

Our expertise ensures robust representation and strategic counsel tailored to the unique needs of each sector.

Comercial Litigation in Bulgaria

Commercial litigation is a complex area of law that involves disputes between businesses. These disputes can range from breach of contract and fraud to intellectual property and employment issues. When these disputes arise, it’s important to have a basic understanding of commercial litigation to protect your business interests.

The first step in commercial litigation is to understand the legal process.

The litigation process starts typically with the filing of a complaint, which outlines the plaintiff’s claims against the defendant.

The defendant then has the opportunity to respond to the complaint and may also file a counterclaim against the plaintiff.

From there, the parties engage in a process of discovery, where they exchange information and evidence relevant to the case.

This can include depositions, written interrogatories, and requests for documents.

Once discovery is complete, the case will move towards trial or settlement.

In a trial, the parties will present their arguments and evidence to a judge or jury, who will then make a decision based on the facts of the case.

Alternatively, the parties may choose to settle the case out of court, typically through mediation or arbitration.

One of the most important aspects of commercial litigation is choosing the right attorney.

You’ll want to find an attorney who has experience in commercial litigation and who understands the unique challenges of this area of law.

Your attorney should be able to advise you on the strengths and weaknesses of your case, as well as the potential costs and risks involved in going to trial.

Another important consideration is the cost of commercial litigation.

The process of litigation can be expensive, with legal fees, court costs, and other expenses quickly adding up.

It’s important to have a clear understanding of the potential costs involved in your case and to work with your attorney to develop a strategy that minimizes these costs while still protecting your business interests.

In conclusion, commercial litigation is a complex area of law that requires a thorough understanding of the legal process and the unique challenges of business disputes.

If you are facing a commercial dispute, it’s important to work with an experienced attorney who can help you navigate this process and protect your business interests.

With experts in court litigation and dispute resolution, including arbitration and mediation will supoort every single client

Our legal team is equipped to provide a full range of innovative and cost-effective options that meet the needs of each specific case.

Whatever the nature of the dispute, our lawyers take a proactive, responsive, diligent and commercial attitude, focusing on achieving the best possible outcome for our client.

Court litigation and dispute resolution.

We protect and further our clients’ interests vigorously, while remaining sensitive to their commercial relationships in Bulgaria

The first instance court litigation in Bulgaria involves the investigation and filling up the statement of claim.

During the first stage of the litigation in Bulgaria, a lawyer starts the investigation of the factual basis of the claim and the legal theories of liability.

Litigation process in Bulgaria

After the claim is filed together with all available written evidences

The defendant party in the litigation process in Bulgaria shall be officially notified by the court

Usually it denies the allegations, filed by the offender party and denies any liability for the claim.

The judge shall schedule open court hearings for the litigation in Bulgaria

The witnesses and experts appointed by the court may be questioned by the judge and the parties.

Need a legal help for Litigation and Dispute Resolution – call us !

facts on the case of the litigation in Bulgaria are clear, the parties present their final oral arguments, and the case is closed.

The limitation periods in Bulgaria are typically governed by the Bulgarian law. As an exception, the following claims are extinguished after a three-year limitation period.
  • Labour remuneration claims.
  • Claims for damages and liquidated damages resulting from non-performance of contracts.
  • Claims for rent, interest and other scheduled payments.

The limitation period runs from the day the claim becomes actionable.

If it is agreed that the claim becomes actionable following an invitation, the limitation period begins to run from the day the obligation arose.
For claims arising from tort, the limitation period begins to run on discovering the offender.
The judge renders the decision in close chambers and officially notifies the parties on its content.

The first court instance of the litigation in Bulgaria may take one to three years depending on the complexity of the dispute.court litigation and dispute resolution.

The second instance for court litigation and dispute resolution – the regional court 

Within two weeks after the court desicion has been delivered the parties have an options to appeal it before the next instance.

Under certain conditions the panel of three judges may allow new written and oral evidence.

Whether you are hoping to recover losses or otherwise seek redress as an individual, or on behalf of a business, your legal team should guide you to consider all options

Our suggestions are based on a clear understanding of timescales and costs.

We can help you to get the best possible outcome, in or out of court.

Enlisting the help of resolution solicitors to assist with disputes is vital as all parties will receive expert advice on both how the dispute should progress and how to resolve the dispute in the most appropriate way.

The third final stage of court litigation in Bulgaria is the cassation stage, which in contrast to the previous stages is not applicable to all cases.

Both parties are entitled to file a cassation appeal, however, the Supreme Court decides which cases will be heard depending on their subject matter

The cassation decision of the litigation in Bulgaria is mandatory not only for the parties but also for the judges when deciding on similar cases.

            Execution stage of court Litigation and Dispute Resolution

The fourth and last stage of the court litigation in Bulgaria is the execution of the final decision on the case.

A writt of execution shall be issued by the court, then public and private bailiffs are vested with enforcement powers.

In case the debtor does not pay voluntarily, the bailiff shall attach and sell its property until the final satisfaction of the creditor

Execution tends to be more successful if the creditor has been granted interim relief prior or during the court litigation stages securing its claim in advance.

Criminal & Defence Lawyer

The criminal litigation in Bulgaria refers to the process of trying a Criminal & Defence Lawyer. 

Criminal defense lawyers are legal professionals who specialize in defending individuals and organizations charged with criminal offenses.

They represent their clients in court and work to ensure that their rights are protected throughout the legal process.

Criminal defense lawyers are responsible for investigating the case, gathering evidence, and building a strong defense strategy.

They also negotiate plea bargains and work to reduce or dismiss charges.

In some cases, they may also represent their clients during appealsCriminal & Defence Lawyer

To become a criminal defense lawyer, one must complete a law degree and pass the bar exam. Many criminal defense lawyers also have experience working as prosecutors or public defenders.

Criminal defense lawyers play a crucial role in the justice system by ensuring that everyone has access to a fair trial.

They work tirelessly to protect the rights of their clients and to ensure that justice is served.

Criminal litigators before the Bulgarian court :

The first level is a criminal prosecution level, who present the government’s case against the defendant.

The criminal defense attorneys, who represent the interests of the defendant.

Criminal prosecutors practice at either the state level or the federal level, while criminal defense attorneys generally maintain private practices or work as public defenders for the state or federal government.

Whether prosecutors or defense attorneys, criminal lawyers handle a wide variety of cases, from white-collar crime, violent crimes, sex crimes and drug trafficking, traffic offenses and misdemeanors.

Some concentrate on white-collar crime such as fraud, embezzlement and insider trading.

Providing legal assistance and protection against detention and arrest; Contesting detention;

Litigation, protection and assistance in the enforcement of detention measures “Detention on remand”, “Home arrest” and “Money guarantee”;

Providing legal assistance in criminal litigation process for protection and procedural representation of defendants at the stage of pre-trial proceedings;

Procedural representation in proceedings for early release, replacement of the regime for serving the sentence, interruption of the execution of the punishment;

Litigation, protection

Procedural representation in the transfer of convicted persons, recognition of a foreign court verdict, international legal assistance in criminal cases;

The litigation court proceedings has been developed before the Bulgarian city courts,appealing level and Supreme cassation Court;

Criminal litigation in case resolution by concluding an agreement with the prosecutor’s office;

Criminal litigation in the discharge of criminal liability by imposing an administrative penalty;

Providing legal assistance, protection and assistance to victims of crime;

Providing legal assistance, protection and assistance to victims of traffic accidents, accidents at work and benefits;

Protection, assistance and assistance to witnesses summoned by law enforcement agencies (MoI) or pre-trial authorities and in the course of court proceedings;Criminal & Defence Lawyer

Providing legal assistance, protection and assistance to an injured person in private-criminal cases – insult; defamation; slight bodily injury;

Providing legal assistance, protection and assistance in the face of police violence;

Our main activity as a criminal defence law office

Participation in the conduct of investigative and judicial proceedings;

Assistance and assistance in the return of material evidence which has been seized during the investigation and return of the guarantees provided.

Getting enforcement letter Bulgaria

Many foreigners in Bulgaria call us when they need some legal help for getting enforcement letter Bulgaria. 

Discover the simplified process of obtaining an enforcement letter in Bulgaria through the order for payment procedure.

Procedure for Issuing an Order for Payment

The Order for Payment procedure serves to streamline the enforcement of monetary claims and property restitution without the need for a legal trial.

Our legal fees and Expenses:Getting enforcement letter Bulgaria

– Fees for initiating the procedure amount to 2% of the claim value.
– Additional expenses may include attorney’s fees, depending on the claim value.

What Happens if the Debtor Objects?

If the debtor raises objections against the issued order for payment, a trial ensues.

However, if the debtor fails to object, a writ of execution is issued in favor of the claimant, triggering the enforcement procedure with an additional 2% cost.

**Getting Enforcement Letter in Bulgaria**

Under the current Civic code, anyone can request the district court to issue an enforcement order.

This order, based on Art. 410 and Art. 417 CC, serves as a valid ground for obtaining an enforcement letter.

Quick and Economical Process:

The enforcement order acts as a replacement for a judgment, ensuring a swift and cost-effective process.

Claims can be based on various grounds, such as employment contracts, rent agreements, loan contracts, or any bonding relationship.

The entire process in Bulgaria: 

1. The applicant (creditor) submits an application to the district court, usually at the debtor’s permanent address.
2. The court examines the application for regularity and proceedings’ admissibility.
3. The applicant must specify the basis for their claim, supported by relevant documents.
4. The debtor has 14 days to object, but any objection during this period holds no evidential value for the claim’s existence.
5. If no objections are raised or resolved, the enforcement order becomes the basis for issuing a writ of execution, initiating enforcement proceedings.

Claimant’s Response to Objections:

– If the debtor contests the claim, the claimant has one month to file a claim with the same court.

Navigating the Order for Payment procedure ensures a swift, surprising, and economical process.

Should you need assistance in the enforcement proceedings, our experienced team is here to guide you through the legal intricacies. 📜

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