

Bulgarian construction lawyer

Our lawyers have been involved in a wide range of construction projects, from small and medium size projects, such as construction of petrol stations, to major thermal power plants as Bulgarian construction lawyer.

We provide advice to investors, developers, financing institutions and government organisations.

Our thorough appreciation of the risks involved in property development and construction ensures we work together with our clients to minimise those risks.

Issue of  Certificate for rough construction, roof level, (Act 14)

This act certifies that certain stage of the construction process is reached.

More specifically, the separate floors, staircases, outdoor and indoor walls, as well as the roof of the building are completed.Bulgarian construction lawyer

During the construction process the authorities issue an acceptance of the completed works by the investor and the supervisor

The completion of construction is certified by execution of a protocol (“Act 15”) which is signed by the investor, the designer, the contractor and the supervisor.

This Certificate called Act 15, the supervisor prepares a final report on the execution of the works.

The executor of the construction works hands over the building to the investor.

Issue of  Certificate for Permission for usage (Act 16) – the building is completed in full at that stage. Bulgarian construction lawyer

It is examined by government construction authorities if it corresponds to the initial architectural project about which the building permission is received.

These four stages are absolutely obligatory and a must according to the Bulgarian Construction Law

Our law office provides professional consulting services and negotiaton assistanceship bteween the foreign investors and the construction contractors.


Throughout the years of our practice in the fields of construction law.

We actively took part into the development of folowing :

A/ infrastructural projects,

B/ linear and site infrastructure projects,Bulgarian construction lawyer

C/ gas stations, environmental

D/ water projects, waste treatment facilities construction projects, etc.

We have experience at all stages of the construction process – from the proper development of a detailed zoning plan procedure, giving the frames of the future construction project.

We are also able to provide legal advice upon the necessary demolition of equipment, whose operation is terminated.

We can assist you on a wide range of construction matters including:

  • pre-contract and tendering advice
  • drafting and negotiating of contracts
  • planning, environmental and building regulation issues
  • joint ventures, investment vehicles and funding
  • procurement structures and construction documentation
  • negotiating with local planning authorities
  • approval of designs, issuance of construction and operational permits
  • dispute resolution

We are used to work in each and every step of the construction process, including demolition of lawful buildings.

Our practice includes legal advice and drafting ofBulgarian construction lawyer

  1. various types of contracts needed for the organization and implementation of the construction process, i.e. design contracts,
  2. EPC contracts,
  3. design supervision contracts,
  4. construction supervision contracts.

We represent our clients in the negotiations on the specific terms and conditions, rights, obligations in the construction process.

Our team coordinates the necessary matters with civil engineers, designers and other experts who help us deliver first class and effective legal support.

Changes in the construction law 

Аfter it came into force last month, changes in the law on spatial planning, which set the functions of the Ministry of regional development

The legal act to be divided into two separate, one will govern the territory, and the other will affect the investment process in construction.

The deputy hopes that with the new changes in the law will stimulate investment in construction.

Another major problem that hinders the investments, is the lack of general development plans of municipalities.

If you have any construction legal questions or issues in Bulgaria you need an expert lawyer to protect your rights.

Real estates lawyer Bulgaria

Our professional property lawyers team and assist the customer through the whole purchase or sale procedure from real estates lawyer Bulgaria.

Our Bulgarian lawyers, even they are real estate company’s lawyers guarantee and makes you sure that the transaction is legal,

The seller or the buyer understand each legal action

He works with purchasers, buyers and sellers of apartments, houses, plots of land, agricultural land, mortgages, bank loans, loan applications, tenants.

We advise always to use a property lawyer services because the past two years a lot of problems occurred with the real estates properties in Bulgaria.

Before it was believed that the real estate agent was enough to assist you.

+LEGAL CHECK OF DOCUMENTSReal estates lawyer Bulgaria

If you are a seller in a real estate transaction, our law firm can offer full legal services, including the following:

– we prepare a project and coordinate amendments to the text of a preliminary contract for sale and purchase of real estate;

– we inspect, advise and assist you in obtaining the necessary documents for the sale, including, but not limited to:

  • a certificate of tax assessment of the property;
  • certificate of marital status;
  • certificate of marital regime;
  • certificate of presence/absence of material encumbrances;
  • previous property acts;
  • cadastral scheme of the property by the GCCA, and others;
  • Filing a corrective declaration under Article 14 of the LTFA;

– we perform a check on the buyer – their representative power, availability of information about court cases against them, and other relevant information;

– we prepare and make amendments (if needed) to the draft title deed, assist our clients before the notary public and accompany the client on the day of the transaction;

– we assist our clients in obtaining possession of the property, including the preparation of a acceptance and delivery certificate, if such is needed and agreed;

– we coordinate the communication with the lending bank, if the buyer is going to use a loan for the purchase, we monitor the issuance of a letter of engagement;

– we cooperate, if the sale price will be paid through a trust account contract/escrow account;

In addition, although we are not financial advisers, we can provide you with guidance on the approximate real market price of the property, which you can receive from eventual sale.

We can represent you as a client in property issue throughout the whole process

If necessary, we can sign the new notarial deed on your behalf as seller and deliver possession of the property to your buyer.

We also offer legal assistance in solving problems related to the Cadaster and Property Register Act, problems with property boundaries, unresolved regulatory bills, precise registration of apartments, houses and plots in the schemes issued by GCCA, as well as with the preparation and supply of all the necessary documentation.

Should you have any questions or need information on the above legal services, please

Real estates lawyer Bulgaria

But the Bulgarian property lawyer is the attorney who will be useful in practically all cases, including any legal stops in Bulgaria, contract negotiations and mortgages.

Some of the purchase contracts are standardized, others have ambiguous terms

In that case you need a property lawyer who is profound into the Bulgarian property legislation.

Our legal services include legal activities in following activities like: 

  1. Legal representation during sale and purchase of real property;
  2. Provision of any documents required for the purposes of legally confirming property status;
  3. Obtaining a certificate for entries, recordations or deletions;
  4. Performing checks within the archive records at the Registry Agency
  5. Legal check for the choosen property – a legal entity and clarifying circumstances that are vital for the transfer of the real property,
  6. lawsuits against the seller, which may affect the property.
  7. Drafting, preparation, signing, termination, and rescission of contracts for purchase and sale of real estate.

Preparation of notary notices for cancellation of preliminary contract for the sale of real estate.

Full legal assistance and representation in court during court cases for a refund of paid deposit as per a signed preliminary contract.Real estates lawyer Bulgaria

Legal representation by real property lawyer during legal proceedings under Article 19 of Contracts and Obligations Act for the announcement of a preliminary contract as final.

Full representation of a seller or a buyer during the signing of a title deed and the related procedure of declaring the property at the local municipality.

Legal representation during court proceedings for property aqusition.

Valuation of real estate properties by a competent licensed appraiser and obtaining the relevant valuation within a period of up to few days.

Our work for investor clients is at the heart of our real estate lawyers group.

We are committed to all aspects of the real estate law and we are able to service all requirements of our real estate investor clients. Real estates lawyer Bulgaria

Our experience includes not only the preparation of straightforward sales, purchases and leases but also the preparation of most complex deals

Legal advice on the structuring and financing of such deals.

Our real estate lawyers work in close cooperation with our tax law experts in order to provide you with a working solution that is to meet all your requirements and to cover all aspects of your deal.Real estates lawyer Bulgaria

In particular, our work in this area includes:

  • Preparation of due diligence reports related to prospective purchases or leases of real estates;
  • Preparation of sale agreements;
  • Preparation of short or long term lease agreements;
  • Advice on the organization of the design and construction processes;
  • Preparation of construction agreements;
  • Preparation of design agreements;
  • Review and preparation of agreements with supervision companies;
  • Organization and preparation of deals that require an escrow payment;
  • Provision of tax advice on all aspects of the real estate deals.

Set up a company in Bulgaria

Limited Liability Company in Bulgaria (Ltd.)

Limited liability company (LLC)  is a type of a capital company which can be established by two or more Bulgarian and foreign physical or legal persons. Set up a company in Bulgaria

The management structure of a Ltd. consists of a General Assembly of shareholders and one or more managers who manage the company and represent it in respect to third parties.

A limited liability company may be formed also by one person and in this case it is a single/sole-member limited liability company (SMLtd) A Ltd. company is established on the basis of a company contract that ought to be concluded in writing.

The name of the company shall contain the words “Limited Liability Company” or the abbreviation “Ltd.”, and should be of a national exclusivity.Set up a company in Bulgaria

The entry of a Ltd. in the Commercial Register is based on an application form. It must be stated personally by the Manager/Managers of the company or a lawyer with an explicit written power of attorney.

Regarding the Bulgarian legislation, only a physical person can be a manager of Ltd.

The manager may be a partner or a third party. There are no restrictions on a foreign person to be appointed as a director of a Ltd.

The capital of a limited liability company cannot be less than 1 Euro (minimum 2 BGN). It consists of the shares of the partners which must not be less than 1 BGN/each.

Partners can bring both cash and non-cash contributions. Non-cash contributions are subject to mandatory assessment by three independent experts appointed by the Registry Agency.

The shares of a Limited liability company are not a  subject to trading. They can be transferred with a notarized contract for transfer of shares.

The one between shareholders does not require a decision of the General Meeting. Otheriwse, the transfer of shares to a third party, as well as the adoption of a new partner does require such a decision.

Rights and obligations of the shareholders

According to the Bulgarian Law, the members of a Ltd. have got rights such as the following: right to dividend and liquidation quota, amoral rights like right to participate in the management of the company, as well as to be elected as a manager.

Immaterial rights include: accessing company’s information, supervising the meetings of the General Assembly, etc. Shareholders have got a financial obligation – it is payment of contributions.

Non-compliance with these obligations could result in exclusion of a partner. Immaterial liabilities include participation in the management of the company, implementation of decisions taken by the General Assembly. Competition is absolutely prohibited both for the partners and the manager. Set up a company in Bulgaria

Registration of a Limited Liability Company/ sole-Owner LLC  

Usually the legal framework for company set up in Bulgaria is following – Commerce Act; Commercial Register Act etc.. The competent authority is the Bulgarian Commercial Register with the Registry Agency.

Now we would like to inform you for all nessesery legal steps of the entire procedure of company registration. Our legal work start from the same beggining of preparation of the paperwork & documents as: 

1) Checking up with the electronic register of the Commercial Register and/or reservation of a business name.

2)Holding of an Incorporation Meeting, adoption of a Memorandum of Association or an Act of Incorporation, appointment of managing director/s.

3)Depositing the company capital into a special capital raising account (the minimum capital amount is 1 Euro (minimum 2 BGN).

4) In case of any specific business, an authorisation by the competent authority shall be provided when filing the documents with the Commercial Register.

The list of the documents, which are required for every company registration is following

– Preparation & drafting of Application form for registration.

– Preparation & drafting ofMemorandum of Association or Act of Incorporation.

– Preparation & drafting of Minutes of the Meeting of Incorporation of the company.

– Preparation & drafting of docuiment for Specimen *(signatures) of all appointed managing directors/ managers of the company.

– Preparation & drafting of declaration pursuant to Article 142 of the Commerce Act signed by each of the appointed managing directors.

– Preparation & drafting of declaration pursuant to Article 141, paragraph 8 of the Commerce Act signed by each of the appointed managing directors.

– Preparation & drafting of Certificate of the deposited capital issued by a bank.

– Preparation & drafting of resolution of the body managing and representing a member who is a legal entity.

–  Preparation & drafting of Certificate of good statement from the relevant business register regarding a member who is a foreign legal entity.

– Preparation & drafting of document evidencing payment of the state fee for incorporation of a limited-liability company.

– Preparation & drafting of declaration under Article 13, paragraph 4 of the Commercial Register Act signed by the applying managing director.

– Preparation & drafting of relevant license or permit according to any special law on the performance of a specific business.

We would like to advise you for the legal terms of the entire registration process : 

For submitting an application for registration or deregistration before the Bulgarian commercial register, we need about 5-7 business days after its acceptance of the documents

Challenging a Will Lawsuit

If you think your interests are injured with the will, left by your testator, seek help from a hereditary cases lawyer. He will initiate a challenging a will lawsuit.

There are null and void grounds for filing a challenging a will lawsuit. Null grounds have no legal effect while void grounds have legal effect, but it can be suspended. For this purpose, it is necessary judging the relevant claim or objection. To be filed challenging a will lawsuit it is necessary not to have expired 10-year duration of opening of succession. In addition: not to have passed more than 10 years since the death of the testator. The period between learning the reason for filing a challenging a will lawsuit and starting the procedure should be maximum 3 years.

The first ground of nullity is governed by Art. 43, para. 1 b. A the Law of Succession. It is related to testamentary capacity. In order for a person to draw a valid will, it should be major and be able to act wisely and handle his actions. This is Decision № 244-1979-I, 83-2004-II GO SCC.

People who are under full guardianship do not have testamentary capacity. A controversial issue is the ability to bequeath of such person. According to some of the opinions, a person placed under partial guardianship can not be legally able to prepare a will. Case law, however, takes the opposite view. It is assuming a decisive factor specific factual possibility of reasonable actions of the person rather than the legal limit of capacity. For this reason, in a challenging a will lawsuit a person’s legal capacity to bequeath shall be assessed to the date of the will. It doesn’t matter the legal capacity of a person before making a will.

The Secon Ground

Challenging a Will Lawsuit

Challenging a Will Lawsuit

of nullity of a will is governed by art. 43, para. 1 b. “B”  Law of Succession. According to it the mistake, which is a discrepancy between the external objectification and the actual inner will of the testator, is a ground for dispute. Mistake can refer both to the person – successor, and the subject of inheritance. The mistake in the name of the successor does not vitiate the will. The contents must have enough data to customize the person (decision № 284-2000-I GO SCC). It is possible that there is a mistake of the motive for the preparation of the will and it is displayed as an independent ground for filing a challenging a will lawsuit.

It is envisaged that the motive is expressed in the very will and it is crucial, namely that it is the only reason for creating a testamentary disposition.

The following grounds for nullity of a will are “fraud and violence”. They are regulated in Art. 43, para. 2 Law of Succession. Violence can be expressed in physically or as a threat of force. If violence is in a form of a threat, it should create a well-founded fear in the testator, who is preparing a will.

In a challenging a will lawsuit the original claim may be filed to seek annulment. Without the need of changing the claim, it can be proclaimed the nullity of the will. To perform testamentary dispositions court can make a judgment, based solely on the will, submitted as evidence in the case.

Grounds for nullity of a will include:

  • procedural defect of the will – lack of full date and / or signature of the testator, the will is not written manuscript by the testator and is printed on a typewriter, computer or laptop
  • the motive of the will is contrary to law and morality
  • the will is on a contrary to the gratuitous nature of this type of document

Due to the variety of reasons that can lead to vice – grounds for filing a challenging a will lawsuit it is a good idea to seek help from a hereditary cases lawyer before you prepare this important document.

Contact us. We are professions. If you need some advices, you can receive helpful information online.

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