

Debt collection lawyers

The debt collection process in Bulgaria contains a few steps, starting with simple procedures and ending from debt Collection lawyers.

Our Bulgarian lawyers can represent you or your company if you need to take legal actions for existing debts.

We remind you that each case is different and you might need to seek adequate counseling in order to determine the suitable debt collection practice.

Moreover, our team of lawyers in Bulgaria can draft a document for collecting your outstanding debts in Bulgaria.

The most important step in debt collection, as set forth in the procedures issued by the relevant authorities, is to send the debtors a payment’s request.

if necessary, with legal procedures

No matter which of the following ways you choose to stick up to, you have to keep in mind that there are a bunch of documents regarding the debtor’s details.

The existential minimum of needed documents is –legal agreements and all the correspondence with the debtor.

You need a qualified assistance from a Bulgaria lawyer.

Regardless of debt collection case, you need to have complete access to all the necessary documentation:Debt Collection Lawyers

– Legal Agreements;
– Unpaid invoices;
– Legal correspondence concerning the case of debt collection;
– the debtor’s identification details;

The first step is to contact the debtor and invite him for the payments.

If the debtor does not pay voluntarily, the next step is to send an claim in the court.

The debtor has approximately ten days to respond to the request for payment.

If the debtor agrees to pay, the parties will then agree upon a payment scheme, establish the installments and a certain period of time during which the debt must be paid in full.

These pre-legal procedures take place in order to avoid the more complicated debt recovery through legal actions.

If the debtor does not respond to the pre-legal debt recovery procedures, the final option is to take legal actions.

This process usually has two phases: a non-litigation phase and a litigation phase, when a claim to the Bulgarian court.

Our Bulgarian lawyers can provide complete details about litigation in Bulgaria.

Legal steps for debt collection in BulgariaDebt collection lawyers

Companies in Bulgaria that need to collect overdue payments have two options for debt recovery:

they can choose to resolve the issue out of court or they can start the needed court proceedings for recovering debts.

The list below describes the main steps that can be attempted as a pre-court solution.

  • Contact the debtor: this serves merely as a first and friendly reminder that a payment is overdue and you are looking towards collecting that payment.
  • Contact a debt collection lawyers for submitting a claim to court

The court’s decision (the judgment of the court) can be enforced and the due amount collected.

The enforcement proceedings in Bulgaria are conducted by public bailiffs or private enforcement agents.

We are ready to support you legally if you need an attorney at law to represent you and support you in these procedures.

If you have valid and in force court judgment’s order from a court in European Union country against a company or a person, based in Bulgaria,we can be enforce it in Bulgaria.

Please contact us for more information concerning your debt collection case in Bulgaria.

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